Monday, November 07, 2011


Someday I hope to have more tabs...and have a full cooking one. Until then this will have to do. I LOVE cooking with my girl. She is a very patient helper and loves to cook. She likes to look thru cookbooks and pick new things to eat. This has helped with her picky pallet. The great part about all this is that she will only get better with age, she will get easier to work with and be able to do most by herself. Soon I wont have to do anything but sit on the couch and eat.

This weekend we made Beignets...Which are basically doughnuts. Our viewing of "Princess and the Frog" brought on the looking thru of the cookbook she got a couple years ago. Iit was super fun to watch her with the sticky dough, I love the textileness (yes I made that word up) of food. I'm just getting back into blogging so I didn't photograph as much as I should have, but enjoy the two I have. Both kids had fun putting the powdered sugar on and then licking their sugar fingers-and who am I kidding...I did too.

One before shot


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