Monday, July 19, 2010

Lillian the 4 year old

I was up last night thinking about the days leading up to Lilly's birth...and also the day she was born. I was reliving every moment....trying to remember each feeling. I hope I can remember this well when she is 24. Lilly is very excited to be 4~ "mommy I'm 4 now, I can scissors"
I can't say enough about how wonderful Lilly is. She is so kind and generous. Always willing to share with her brother (who she LOVES) or friends. She is quick to cuddle and kiss and hug. She is easy to laugh and is just a joy. I think this is going to be a really good year for us. Lots of fun things planned and she is so eager to grow up. I on the other hand am not so eager, but am truly enjoying watching her become the wonderful sweet person she is turning out to be. We are so blessed each day she is with us. Here is a photo look at her last four years.
Happy Birthday baby!

Brand new Lilly

Lilly turns 1

2 yrs old

Beautiful 3 year old

4 years